The 100-year closure order imposed upon a number of files submitted to the Dunblane school shootings inquiry, held under the chairmanship of Lord Cullen in 1996, was lifted by the Lord Advocate on 28 September 2005. The files can now be accessed at the National Archives of Scotland in Edinburgh. The order had been controversial because it was thought to assist concealment of the true relationships between the gunman Thomas Hamilton and the police and others before the shootings took place. That suspicion appears to have been allayed, although some files remain subject to the closure order because they contain material which is sensitive in nature and could cause further anguish to the families of victims”. These files can however be seen by the families in question.
The Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 appeared to claim something of a political victim on 7 October 2005 when the Scottish Information Commissioner ordered the Scottish Parliament Corporate Body to disclose detailed information about the expenses claims of Conservative Party leader David McLetchie in relation to taxi trips between the Parliament and Mr McLetchie’s law firm