(56)  Scottish Parliamentary election results

The results of the Scottish Parliamentary elections, held on 6 May 1999 and using an Additional Member System of voting, were as follows: Party Constituency MSPs and %age vote Regional List MSPs and %age vote %age vote in whole election Total seats Labour53 (38.8%)3 (33.6%) 36% 56SNP7 (28.8%)28 (27.3%) 28% 35Conservative0(15.6%)18 (15.4%) 15% 18Lib-Dem12 (14.2%)5 (12.4%) 13% 17Others1 (3%)2 (11.3%) 6% 3 The consequence is that no party has an overall majority in the Parliament. The turnout was 58.7%. Of the 129 MSPs, 81 are men and 48 women. The three others are Dennis Canavan (Independent Labour), who took the constitutency of Falkirk West although rejected as a candidate by the official Labour Party, Tommy Sheridan (Scottish Socialist Party, elected on the list in the Glasgow region), and Robin Harper (Green Party, elected on the list in the Lothians region). Mr Harper is the first ever elected Green in British parliamentary history. The Parliament met for the first time on 11 May. Lord Steel of Aikwood, henceforth to be known again as Sir David Steel, was elected as the Presiding Officer.