(105)  Kind words on Scots Law News

Thanks to Derek O’Carroll, advocate, who gives this site a favourable review in (2001) 46(4) Journal of the Law Society of Scotland 37: "a pithy account of interesting, quirky and important legal developments … worth a look from time to time". Point about the lack of a search facility noted, and we will seek to rise from four- to five-star quality for Derek’s next visit. He also has nice things to say about the Edinburgh Law Review – "the quality of the writing is always good or excellent and while the content of some articles can only be of interest to academics, much of it will be of interest to the practitioner". Needless to say, we concur and feel that there is nothing we can usefully add other than to draw attention to the subscription details to be found elsewhere on this website: (http://www.law.ed.ac.uk/Elr/FORM1.HTM)