On a turn-out of 30.9% (up from 24.83% in 1999), Scotland voted in 2 MEPs from each of the Labour, Conservative and Scottish Nationalist Parties in the election held on 11 June 2004 and declared on 13 and 14 June. The LibDems got one: Elspeth Attwooll, formerly lecturer in Jurisprudence in the Glasgow Law School. With only seven MEPs, there is one less Scottish MEP by comparison with the 1999 election (see No 58). Labour received 26.4% of the vote (down from 28.7% last time), the SNP 19.7% (down from 27.2%), the Conservatives 17.8% (down from 19.8%), and the LibDems 13.1% (up from 10.1%). The anti-EU UK Independence Party received 6.7% of the vote, by comparison with its 16.8% and 12 MEPs south of the border. Nevertheless its Scottish performance represented a significant improvement on its 1.3% share in 1999, and only the Scottish Greens of the small parties did better.