Scots Law News has been checking out this year’s gradings of Scottish law schools by the national newspapers.  In a sensational development, the Times puts Aberdeen first (fifth in the UK), with Edinburgh second (eighth in the UK).  Glasgow was next (13th in the UK), with Strathclyde (14th in the UK) and Dundee (16th) close on their tails.  Only 20 law schools are listed altogether in the online version of the table.  For the Guardian, Edinburgh leads, eighth in the UK, followed by Aberdeen at number ten.  Dundee is 13th, Strathclyde 22nd and Glasgow 25th.  Glasgow Caledonian appears next in this list, at number 30, but it goes no further, at least in the online version.  The Independent‘s website is coy about its tables, if any; consult instead their student-written, published guide, available of course in any good bookshop but unread by Scots Law News at this time.  For previous years’ rankings see Nos 362 and 465.  Fans of the duck density approach to ranking universities (see No 470) will be pleased to know that it is alive and well and still without a Scottish university in sight (see http://www.duckdensity.org.uk).  York still leads in this particular backwater, but Huddersfield has moved up out of the pack (or should that be flock?) to be third, behind second-placed Warwick.  For some reason Loughborough has fallen away altogether, while the ones that used to be at Leeds must be a-dabbling more in the river these days, up tails all (with thanks to Ratty in The Wind in the Willows, or possibly the late Kenneth Grahame).