On 12 September 2007 the Justice Minister Kenny MacAskill announced the first significant changes for nearly 20 years to the financial limits on sheriff court jurisdiction.  Most significant was the raising of the ceiling for small claims from £750 to £3,000.  The summary cause limits will apply between £3,000 and £5,000 (rather than £750 and £1,500), while ordinary cause rules will apply in cases of over £5,000.  Any action worth less than £5,000 must be commenced in the sheriff court rather than the Court of Session (limit previously £1,500).  These new rules will commence on 1 January 2008.  Draft SSIs giving effect to these proposals can be found at http://www.opsi.gov.uk/legislation/scotland/ssi2007/draft/20078428.htm (privative jurisdiction) and http://www.opsi.gov.uk/legislation/scotland/ssi2007/draft/20078429.htm (small claims).