Steven Marshall, the teenager convicted of simulating sexual intercourse with a pavement in full view of a female taxi driver (No 701), was sentenced on 17 December 2007 to twelve months probation: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/south_of_scotland/7148242.stm. Unlike bike man” Robert Stewart (No 701) Mr Marshall has not been placed on the sex offenders register because it was accepted by Sheriff Kevin Drummond that there was not a significant sexual aspect to the case. (For commentary on that see James Chalmers’ blog at http://criminalletters.blogspot.com/2007/12/its-bicycle-that-makes-difference.html ).
In mitigation it was noted that Mr Marshall’s behaviour arose as a result of a combination of alcohol and medication. The views of Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill (see No 712) on this plea in mitigation are not known.