A jury sitting in Dumfries Sheriff Court unanimously found Andrew Thompson from the town guilty of recklessly throwing a hamster and other objects from his top flat window in a verdict given on 15 January 2008. There is speculation as to the nature of Mr Thompson’s offence in relation to the hamster (see James Chalmers at http://criminalletters.blogspot.com/2008/01/oh-ye-cannae-fling-hamsters-oot-third.html and the comments). Mr Thompson was also convicted of repeatedly attempting to attack a police officer with a knife. In the period before sentencing Mr Thompson can take some solace in his acquittal (on a not proven verdict) on the charge of assaulting a police officer by throwing a bottle at the officer and attempting to hit him.
The hamster is reported to have died shortly after the events complained of: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/south_of_scotland/7189756.stm.