CCTV at Elgol – and on Seil!
Scots Law News has visited Elgol in Skye to check out the CCTV story noted earlier this month.
The presence of the camera looking down the pier was confirmed, and the Scots Law News photographer took an image of the offending object, albeit at considerable peril to his own life and limb. It could be readily ascertained once one had achieved one's lofty perch that no private residence in Elgol is within the CCTV range, so claims of threats to privacy seem exaggerated. And with regard to commercial competition amongst the providers of cruises around the south-western parts of the Misty Isle, Scots Law News can report lots of activity but nothing untoward.
A friendly local also drew our attention to a notice at the car park high above the pier, where you are warned of the presence of CCTV along with information about the harbour master's entitlement to collect dues for the use of the pier.
There are possibly other crime control cameras on Skye – Scots Law News spotted speed camera signs at either end of the newly improved A851 Armadale-Broadford road, but despite proceeding cautiously within the speed limit was unable to see any actual cameras. Note however the involvement of the EU in financing all this, so ca' canny is our considered advice.
The example set in Skye may be followed in Seil where, according to a Scotsman report on 26 July 2008, police are considering the installation of a CCTV camera system as a response to a recent outbreak of vandalism on the island. However, as community policeman Kevin Moffatt is quoted as saying, "obviously there are human rights issues about where the CCTV cameras are going to be. The community is looking into it and I am advising them."