Tommy Sheridan updates
The preliminary hearing in the perjury trial of Tommy Sheridan (see here) has been delayed. By joint application of the crown and the defence the case has been delayed until 11th May of this year.
In the trial Mr Sheridan will be represented by Donald Findlay QC (as was rumoured in December 2007). Mrs Sheridan will be represented by Paul McBride QC.
While awaiting developments in the trial and resuming his legal studies Mr Sheridan represented Mr Roger Winsborough on 29th January in an employment tribunal (for our earlier report and the background on this see here). In its report of his appearance the Herald noted that Mr Sheridan won an initial point. It was alleged by the representative for Scottish Coal that Mr Winsborough's claim should be dismissed because Mr Winsborough had wilfully failed to comply with an earlier Tribunal order to lodge information about his loss of earnings. The Tribunal agreed the delay in lodging was not wilful – accepting the explanation that Mr Sheridan's job in January (on the nature of which see here) had meant that he was unable to assist. The case was scheduled to continue in early February, but has thus far generated no further media publicity.