What Kenny did next: tales of bribery, and corruption

Now that Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill has finished with the al-Megrahi case he can turn to the other issues in his in-tray.

During his consideration of the decision a couple of consultation papers were issued by the Justice Department.

In mid-July a consultation paper was issued on the law of bribery and corruption – being based on the English Law Commission report on reforming bribery from 2008. Launching the paper Mr MacAskill noted,

"While Scotland has low levels of corruption, with only three cases in 2007, the current law on bribery and corruption is fragmented, outdated and in need of reform. Bribery and corruption does not respect international boundaries and we need a clearer legal framework in Scotland to bring it into line with international law. These new proposals will enable Scotland to play its part in the international fight against bribery and corruption and send a clear message to these people that it will not be tolerated in this country. Whether you are a Mr Big seeking to bribe someone for your own criminal ends, or an individual who has no previous criminal record but accepts a bribe to get ahead in life, there is no hiding place and you could face up to ten years in jail. The UK Government has presented its proposals for the UK draft Bill in terms of retaining the UK's reputation as one of the least corrupt countries in the world and therefore a good place to do business. We need to protect Scotland's reputation in the same way. In doing so we are maintaining a supportive business environment which can contribute to sustainable economic growth."