Scotland at the International Congress of Comparative Law
For the first time Scotland will be represented as a separate jurisdiction at the quadriennial International Congress of Comparative Law, taking place in Washington from 25 July-1 August 2010.
Hitherto Scotland has been entirely subsumed within the United Kingdom submissions to the conference, but now a group of reporters has been assembled to cover separately topics which could be reported on from a Scottish perspective. This results from an initiative of Professor David Carey Miller (Aberdeen Law School) and the relatively newly formed Scottish Association for Comparative Law. There will still be a UK submission on a number of topics (as can be seen from the Congress programme) but, for the moment at least, nothing on English law.
The list of Scots law reporters and topics is as follows:
1A. Legal culture and legal transplants; Esin Örücü
IB. Religion and the secular state; Frank Lyall
ID. The role of practice in legal education; Elaine Tyre
IIA. Catastrophic damages – liability and insurance; Gordon Cameron
IIB. Recent private international law codifications; Janeen Carruthers
IIC. Cost and fee allocation rules; Greg Gordon
Class actions; Sarah Bleichner
IID. Climate change and the law; Colin Reid
IVC. Are human rights universal and binding?; Jim Murdoch
VB. The exclusionary rule; Fiona Leverick