Wheelie bins and the New Town – again

The prospect of wheelie bins in the World Heritage site of Edinburgh's New Town has reared its ugly head once again, according to a report in The Herald for 16 July 2010.

Long-time readers of Scots Law News will recall that back in 2003 New Town residents led by members of the Court of Session judiciary residing in Heriot Row fought off an attempt by Edinburgh City Council to install wheelies in their elegant Georgian streets, preferring to continue to put out their rubbish on the pavements in the black poly bags the Council had hitherto provided for the purpose.  The joy with which the success of this resistance was greeted by New Town seagulls, foxes and rats was somewhat tempered by the cunning ploy which the humans used to deny them their plastic-coated repasts, viz hanging the black poly bags on the Georgian railings protecting New Town basements from the sudden arrival of careless passers-by, there to await the arrival of the presumably co-operative bin-men for collection.

Now, after seven long years of reflection, the Council has returned to the attack, proposing corrals of wheelie bins at locations to be determined after determination of how far the residents will be prepared to walk carrying their black bags for disposal.  One guesses that street corners will be the likeliest locations of the corrals.  The judges are reported to be mustering the forces of resistance once more, however.  But Scots Law News thought the most significant quote in the Herald piece came from the Cockburn Association, sworn upholder of the architectural integrity of the New Town: "“The fact the council are being sensitive and are trying to address everyone’s concerns is very positive.”  Sounds suspiciously compliant …