Tenure:  Peacefully, at home, after a long illness bravely borne, at midnight 27 November 2004, Feudal (Feudalism), in approximately his 881st year (birth never registered and all documentation lost).  Sadly missed by a wide circle of conveyancers, title raiders and barons, who found Feudalism a lucrative source of status and revenue throughout his long and utile life.  The body has been donated to the National Archives and the Registers of Scotland for the furtherance of legal-historical research.  A memorial service will be held at Scone Abbey, near Feudalism’s supposed birth-place, at either Whit or Martinmas, to which all superiors and vassals are warmly invited.  Donations for a monument in the form of a pyramid topped with a crown, to be erected at Holyrood, where Feudalism’s last rites were performed, may be sent to the Queen’s and Lord Treasurer’s Remembrancer, Crown Office, Edinburgh.  An elegant obituary by Professor George Gretton may be found in the pages of the November 2004 issue of the Journal of the Law Society of Scotland.



Law: Just after the bells, on 28 November 2004, to Scots and Land (nee Allod), triplets (Outright Ownership, Title Conditions and Tenements Management); all well.  First grandchildren for the families.  Grateful thanks to all staff at the Maternity Unit, Scottish Law Commission, for their devoted care and attention during delivery.


Scots Law News attended a wake for Feudal Tenure (Feudalism) on the night of 27 November 2004.  The chief mansion and messuage at which the event was held bore over its welcoming portal a banner with the legend Novodamus”.  To their great relief