A review of the 115 preceding entries in what might have been called the Scots Law Blog, if only it had been started this century and used the relevant technology, suggests that 2005 was another interesting year: not just because of old friends like the Naked Rambler (Nos 476, 480, 483, 491, 494, 498, 499, 509, 515, 527) and fox-hunters (Nos 440, 501, 526: could these stories ever be brought together, one wonders?); but also thanks to the new ones that keep on turning up. 


2005 was the year that introduced our readers, not only to natural disasters (Nos 423, 495), but also to neutral citation (No 417), ASBOs (No 426), FoI (Nos 437, 471, 505, 511), G8 (No 483), HBJ Gateley Wareing (No 506), the rights to roam (No 432) and to buy (Nos 432, 469), duck density as a measure of university quality (No 470), humanist weddings (No 477), civil partnerships (No 529), Creative Commons and copyleft” (No 522)